الاثنين، 13 فبراير 2023

How to Make money online 5Ways With Chat GPT



today's video I'm going to go through seven different ways that you can use chat GPT when it comes to making money with an online business some of the methods I'm going to discuss in today's video I've personally used them myself and it's helped me with various different elements of my own online business and as you can see right here from one of my PayPal accounts I've been able to bring in over 50 000 pounds in the last couple months which is maybe around sixty thousand dollars just by understanding how to utilize the power of this new AI bot so as always I don't waste any more time I want to get right into it if you find any value in the video at any point don't forget to press the like button I really appreciate that thank you so much don't forget to subscribe hit the Bell notification so that YouTube can let you know when a new video has been released let's not waste any more time let's get right into it alright so one of the first ways that you can utilize chat GPT when it comes to helping you make money online specifically when it comes to helping you find a winning Drop Shipping product to sell so the way that it works is that you can log into your chat GPT account and as you can see over here I've started a new chat and I asked it what are the top 10 most popular e-commerce categories then came back with these 10 different categories that it believes are the best ones I didn't ask that what are the top 10 e-commerce products to sell within the electronics category because that was number two on the list and then it then came back with all of these popular products over here and using chat GPT it's now given me an idea of what product I may want to do a little bit more research into so for example if I was to copy heart rate monitors just like that and go over to a product research software and in this case I'm going to use Zeke analytics I'm going to Simply paste it in just like that and click on search and straight away according to Zeke analytics is showing us that over 56 000 pounds was spent on the specific keyword in the last 30 days which is maybe around sixty five thousand dollars and we can also see the average of the people that are selling this particular product on eBay UK at the moment 71 of them were successful in making a sell and of course if you want to get a better idea of exactly which type of heart rate monitor you want to sell you could just scroll down on seek analytics and get a better idea so if I was to click into this one over here as we can see over 25 individual units has been sold of this particular heart rate monitor in the last 24 hours and over 1 265 units has been sold in total and if you did want to find this product you're going to be able to go over to websites like alibaba.com CJ dropshipping AliExpress if you did want to sell it yourself alright so swiftly moving on to the second way that you can use chat GPT when it comes to helping you with your online business is to ask it to help you find a winning affiliate product to promote and the way that this works is very simple as you can see over here I asked it can you give me 10 ideas for an affiliate product I can promote on my blog website that's about running an online business and if you guys don't know I've got my own blog over here successforbusiness.com that's all about helping people understand the world of stone and online business so if I wanted to add a new article I'm going to be able to find which affiliate products are the best ones for me to put on my website and as you guys can see over here it's now giving me 10 different ideas of very Stefan affiliate products I can promote whether it's web hosting services website Builders email marketing Services project management tools I'm going to be able to now get an idea of all of these different companies that I'm going to be able to go and find affiliate links for so number four in the list we can see email marketing services so I then asked it to give me the top 10 email marketing softwares in this opinion and that's exactly what it did companies like MailChimp aweber get response convertkit etc etc and then from this point it's not going to be a simple case of me going on to affiliate marketplaces such as partner stack impact.com and other ones and then finding the affiliate programs that I'm now going to be able to sign up to which now brings me on to the third way that you can use this AI tool to help you make money online which is by asking it to help you write a blog article so I've continued the chat over here and I've asked it to summarize the top 10 email marketing softwares and I also asked it to write me a 100 word summary for each and every software in the list so I did that for every single one then what I did is copied and pasted all of these different summaries into a Word document made sure to double check the spelling made sure to double check the grammar and I also made sure to change some words around some sentences around and put it in my own words and once I confirm that the work is unique and I'm happy with it I've now started to publish the article on the back end of my blog website so as you guys can see over here the top 10 email marketing softwares to use in 2023 I haven't uploaded it to my website as of yet because I'm still going through some things I'm still waiting for me to be accepted for a lot of these different affiliate programs but as you guys can see this is what the article is going to look like if I just click on preview over here and click on this option once I finish working on this article this is what it's going to look like and then from that point it's going to be a case of me making sure that I do a finger my power to rank in the Google search results so that whenever someone searches for this particular search term I'm going to be able to put myself in a position of being able to make affiliate commissions from all of these different softwares alright so moving on to the next way that you can use this powerful tool to help you start making money online is with ClickBank affiliate marketing but you're going to specifically use chat GPT when it comes to helping you create a lead magnet so the way that this entire process works is that you're going to produce short form content long form content it doesn't really matter but you're going to produce content on a regular basis on any platform that you're comfortable with from there you're going to be able to attract potential customers with your lead magnet and then you're going to send those people from your your lead magnet to a ClickBank affiliate offer and then from there you're going to now be able to make affiliate commissions alright so I've just logged into my ClickBank account and I'm going to show you exactly how you can find a product to promote and I'm also going to show you exactly what you need to do when it comes to using chat GPT to help you create your lead magnet so first things first what you need to do is pick a category at the top right here so I'm going to click on ebusiness and e-marketing then what you need to do is sort the results from Gravity high to low and from here it's now going to show you all of the popular affiliate offers that a lot of affiliate marketers are having success with right now as we speak so we can see that this one at the top has the highest gravity score but the amount of commissions that you're going to make is not that much however there's this one over here that's 53 which is the second best performing product but if we just scroll down slightly we can see that there's this product over here that doesn't necessarily have the highest gravity score but we can see that the commission is going to be 256 dollars for every single person that you're able to get to sign up to this particular product But whichever one that you decide to promote you just need to go through the process of getting your affiliate link once you've got that you then need to go back to chat GPT and as you can see I've started a new chat where I asked it what are the best lead magnets for affiliate marketing and it was able to give me all of these different ideas for example a free trial maybe an ebook you know a webinar maybe a coupon or discount but I believe that the best lead magnet that this one is going to be able to help me with is by writing an ebook so I started a brand new chat and I said can you write an ebook for me and then it said that it's going to be able to do it I then asked it to write me an ebook about starting an online business from there I was able to give me the basic outline for the entire ebook and from there it was a simple case of me asking it to write me 500 words in each and every different chapter that it previously gave me and of course you don't need to go through the process of copying it from here into a Word document making sure that everything's okay checking the spelling saving as a PDF document and after you've gone through that entire process if you now wanted to get your ebook cover you're going to be able to use canva because they've got so many different templates that you're going to be able to choose from and whichever one that you do decide to choose you're going to be able to change the text you're going to be able to move things around you're going to be able to delete any images that you want to and from there of course you now need to do the work of producing the content but now you've got some sort of a lead magnet to get people onto your email list so that you're now going to have a chance of being able to make affiliate commissions if you did want to use ClickBank and moving on to one of the final ways that you're going to be able to make money online with chat GPT that I'm going to discuss in this video is by using it to help you with a faceless YouTube channel so if you're someone that wants to make money with a YouTube channel but you don't necessarily want to sit down every day and show your face on camera like what I'm doing right now then you're going to be able to do it because there's thousands of different people out there right now that are able to make a passive income from their YouTube channels by never ever even showing their face and in some cases never using their own voice and this AI bot is going to be able to help you with so many different elements of making money with a faceless YouTube channel so as you guys can see over here I started a new chat where I asked it what are the top 10 high CPM niches on YouTube that do not require me to show my face it then came back with these top 10 different categories things like technology and gadgets gaming tutorials and how to but one of the categories over here is food and cooking and I then said can you give me 10 faceless YouTube video ideas about food and then I came back and said sure and did exactly what I asked it to do and scrolling down a little bit further I then asked it to give me an eight minute video YouTube script for the top 10 best budget friendly meal ideas and within a few seconds it then came back with the entire YouTube script exactly when I need to say how long I need to say it for word for word everything that needs to be said in the YouTube video it was able to give me everything in a matter of maybe 10 seconds or so now of course from this point you are gonna have to make the video and there's an entire process that goes into it there's various different AI tools and softwares that you can use to make videos on a daily basis that again doesn't even require you to use your own voice and I'm currently working on that video right now as we speak but if you want me to release that video as soon as possible then put in the comments down below do the faceless YouTube video and I'll get on to that ASAP and if you want to watch another YouTube video that I made not too long ago where I break down the seven ways that you're going to be able to make money online without ever having to show your face but make sure   

you click the link right there check that video out straight off the desk one because it's already helped out so many people and I'm sure that's going to help you out too Alright guys I'll see you on the next one make sure you stay safe out 

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