الأحد، 11 نوفمبر 2018

Download GTA San-andreas ps2 iso

Download GTA San-andreas playstation 2 iso
Dear friends
I offer you a wonderful game that everyone loves
The download method is very easy
All you have to do is download the game and decompress the game
And upload them to USB
 Help us a little money if you like the game or if you love

السبت، 10 نوفمبر 2018

الثلاثاء، 6 نوفمبر 2018

Flash Samsung

Firmware Samsung
 Help us a little money if you like the game or if you love

Mobile Information _1
Mobile : Dart
Model : SGH-T499
System Version : Froyo 2.2
Baseband : T499MABCHV 
Samsung Dart SGH-T499 ============>> Download

 2_Mobile Information 
Mobile : Galaxy 5
Model : GT-I5503
System Version : Eclair 2.1-update1
Baseband : XSG I5503JPJJ2
Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-J5503============>> Download

Mobile Information_3
Mobile : Galaxy 5 Galaxy 550
Model : GT-I5503T
System Version : Froyo 2.2.1
Baseband : TLP I5503TAJJP9
Samsung Galaxy 5 GT-I5503T ==========>> Download

Mobile Information_4
Mobile : Galaxy 551
Model : GT-I5510
System Version : Froyo 2.2

Baseband : EGY I5510JPKD3======>> Download

Mobile Information_5
Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300FU
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4

Baseband : DPT A300FUXXU1AOB3=======>>Download

Mobile Information_6
Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300F
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4

Baseband : KSA A300FXXU1AOAH======>> Download

Mobile Information_7
Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300H
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4

Baseband : XSG A300HXXU1AOC======>> Download

Mobile Information_8
Mobile : Galaxy A3 2016
Model : SM-A310M
System Version : Lollipop 5.1.1

Baseband : TPA A310MUBU1AOL7======>> Download

Mobile Information_9
Mobile : Galaxy A3 2016
Model : SM-A310F
System Version : Lollipop 5.1.1

Baseband : XSG A310FXXU2APDC =====>> Download

Mobile Information_10
Mobile : Galaxy A3 2017
Model : SM-A320F
System Version : Marshmallow 6.0.1

Baseband : XSG A320FXXU2AQF2======>> Download

Mobile Information_11
Mobile : Galaxy A3 2017
Model : SM-A320Y
System Version : Marshmallow 6.0.1
Baseband : CHO A320YDXU1AQG2=====>> Download

Mobile Information_12
Mobile : Galaxy A5
Model : SM-A500H
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : XSG A500HXXU1AOC1======>> Download

Mobile Information_13
Mobile : Galaxy A5
Model : SM-A500F
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : KSA A500FXXU1AOB1======>> Download

Mobile Information_14
Mobile : Galaxy A5
Model : SM-A500Y
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : XSA A500YDVU1AOD1====>> Download

Mobile Information_15
Mobile : Galaxy A5
Model : SM-A500FU
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : DPT A500FUXXU1AOB4=====>> Download

Mobile Information_16
Mobile : Galaxy A5
Model : SM-A500M
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : ZTO A500MUBU1AOE3=======>> Download

Mobile Information_17
Mobile : Galaxy A5 2016
Model : SM-A510F
System Version : Lollipop 5.1.1

Baseband : KSA A510FXXS2APE2=====>> Download

Mobile Information_18
Mobile : Galaxy A5 2016
Model : SM-A510M
System Version : Lollipop 5.1.1

Baseband : TPA A510MUBS2APF3======>> Download

Mobile Information_19
Mobile : Galaxy A5 2016 Duos
Model : SM-A510FD
System Version : Nougat 7.0
Baseband : KSA A510FXXS5CRE8=====>> Download

Mobile Information_20
Mobile : Galaxy A5 2017
Model : SM-A520F
System Version : Marshmallow 6.0.1

Baseband : LYS A520FXXU2AQG6=====>> Download

Mobile Information_21
Mobile : Galaxy A5 Duos
Model : SM-A500G
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4

Baseband : INU A500GXXU1AOE2======>> Download

Mobile Information_22
Mobile : Galaxy A6 2018
Model : SM-A600G
System Version : Oreo 8.0

Baseband : INS A600GDXU1ARE2=====>> Download

Mobile Information_23
Mobile : Galaxy A6 2018
Model : SM-A600FN
System Version : Oreo 8.0

Baseband : MBC A600FNXXU1ARF5=====>> Download

Mobile Information_24
Mobile : Galaxy A6 2018
Model : SM-A600F
System Version : Oreo 8.0
Baseband : XSG A600FJXU1ARD7====>> Download

الجمعة، 12 يناير 2018




When you go looking for a hotel, you can shoot the sky-high prices. It is not always easy to pay the best price for your hotel. This has a number of reasons. In this blog I explain how you can pay the best price for your next night.
The search for a hotel almost always starts with a search engine, such as Google. It is not always easy to find the right site among all these results. Because, do not you think it is strange that there are so many price comparison sites, but that you always see the same price for an overnight stay? If you think as much as I think you are very strange too. In this blog I explain to you what this is and what you can do about it.
Why are all those prices the same?
Before you read on, I first want to have one thing in the center, I think that comparison sites should have an added value in the current landscape and range of hotels. you can use them for comparing different hotels, finding reviews or just for a list of hotels in a certain region. Personally, I think it should keep it there.
How do these sites work?
Comparison sites are not a good cause and do not just compare prices of hotels. This will probably not surprise you. The method of comparison sites is as follows: being a hotel you can register on a comparison site where you can determine how much margin you pay per booking. This can amount to no less than 40 percent, with your presence on the site being a bit maximum. The reason why you never pay too much on such a site is that comparison sites require hotels to use the same price on their own website. This means that they calculate the 40 percent margin they give in their price. Especially because the price does not become cheaper on their own website.

How do you book an overnight stay?
When you are looking for a hotel, comparison sites are fantastic. You will not find an extensive range of hotels for a specific region anywhere else. That just does not work, especially because Google does not provide enough for this. Include the reviews and make your choice based on independent reviews. View the photos posted by previous visitors. Do not book through such websites. This is simply a shame for the hotel and this only costs the hotel money. Do you really want to support the hotel with your overnight stay? just book through the hotel's website. Usually you get a little extra from this kind of hotels. For example, this hotel in Hilversum currently offers a 20% discount on breakfast, but only when booking through the hotel website itself. Ideal right? A nice extra without the extra effort.

Of course you can also use the websites just to see what there is to do in the area. Maybe you can also book a trip through these types of sites. You will receive a discount and this is cheaper than when you book the trip when you are on the spot. Comparison sites are not common or bad, you just have to know what you want to use them for. Each hotel has its own website with booking module. Not every trip has the possibility and online booking is often easier than booking over the phone.

Happy Holidays!
Finally, I want to wish you a fantastic holiday. I hope you have had something to do with the tips from this blog and that you will think twice before booking a hotel through a comparison site. With the tips from this blog you at least have some extra money left for a fun outing when you're on the spot.

الخميس، 11 يناير 2018



There are of course various supplements on the market. Each species has its own goals. One will help you gain more muscle mass, while the other will help you recover better or stimulate you to burn fat. It is therefore important to know what types of supplements are on the market.
The best known types of supplements are protein, pre- and post-workout, creatine, vitamin and fat burners. These are explained below:

Protein is made as a supplement by means of protein shakes. Proteins are very important for athletes, for the recovery and growth of the muscles. For bodybuilders, for example, protein shakes are not to be missed. There are often not enough proteins from the normal diet and therefore these shakes are needed. A good protein shake consists of 100% proteins per 100 grams.

Pre Workout
Pre workouts are supplements that are taken before training, they ensure that your body gets extra energy and strength. Fat burning is also promoted during training.
The Pre workouts are often used by strength athletes and provide explosive power.

Post Workout
Post workouts are supplements taken after training, these supplements provide the body with what is needed after training. It ensures maximum muscle growth, optimal recovery and provides the muscles full of nutrients.

Fat Buner
Fat burners promote fat burning and is very useful for people who are busy losing weight.

Creatine provides more endurance and strength during training and also promotes muscle building. Creatine is seen as the most important dietary supplement for athletes. Creatine is not only for strength athletes but also for endurance sports like running.

Vitamin supplements are recommended for all people who get too little or no vitamin through their diet. Especially old people use vitamin pills.

Now you have an indication of which supplements are all on the market. It is always wise to purchase and read reviews so that you know where you stand.

5 tips for making money online

5 tips for making money online
5 tips for making money online
5 tips for making money online

Do you want to make the transition from an ordinary income to an online income? Making money on the internet is a good means of living for many people. There is a lot of money to be made on the internet in various aspects of the worldwide web. Whether you want to earn your money from advertising revenue on a large website, expanding your own webshop or having a successful Instagram account and a broadly followed YouTube channel, it's all possible.

For people who are about to start earning money on the internet, we already have these 5 tips. This way you do not miss the board and you develop a good basis for your online income.

 Do not say your job yet
The most important tip is also the first: nice that you plan to start earning money online, but do not go too fast. Do not immediately say your permanent job (unless you really hate it, of course). Why not? For the very simple reason that you are not the only one who tries to collect his assets on the internet. Success takes a while and depends on how well you are investing. It will not be the case that you can rake a modal monthly salary this month. Most people who now make big money on the internet have started their job. With the certainty of an income, they expanded their online assets until they could fully trust that it remained stable.
5 tips for making money online
5 tips for making money online

 Deepen in different methods of making money
Making money on the internet is possible in several ways. So you can set up a Youtube channel and hope for many followers and subscribers, but also a Facebook page or group with many followers can mean a lot to you. A website is also a great basis for earning money. In other words: do not stare blindly at one method. Do you have a website? Link a Youtube channel, Pinterest message board and Facebook account there. In this way you increase your sales area and you can also earn money through the separate channels.

 Read in carefully
There are many websites that provide information about earning money. The Homepage Internet Millionaires is the best start for people who want to make money on the internet and want to expand their possibilities. You will also find all kinds of information about how to successfully set up an online business.

Write down the most important tips in a notebook. You will see that the more sources you read, the more overlap there is. This overlap is the main theme, where the money is spent on the internet. You can get a lot of profit here.

 Invest your earnings
How tempting it might be to spend your first earned euros, do not do it! Most internet millionaires have become so rich because they have let their money circulate through their own online empire.

Invest your earnings for even more earnings. For example, buy additional websites, hire text writers to organize content on your website, hire someone for videos for your Youtube channel, pay websites to advertise and so on. You have to keep investing your money, until you have an astronomical amount every month and you can pay yourself well.

 Push on
The final tip: continue. It is not easy to make money on the internet. At least, it does not seem easy. It is mainly a question of the longest breath. The one who keeps it full will be successful. Perseverance is a property that every internet entrepreneur and future internet millionaire must have.

الأربعاء، 10 يناير 2018

How to make money online from home in 2018

How to make money online from home in 2018


Making money online safely is now a reality. The network of networks is an ocean full of opportunities to get extra money every month from the comfort of your home. I got it and you can do it too
How to make money online from home in 2018
How to make money online from home in 2018

Even so, as in any job in real life, you have to dedicate time and effort, nobody gives anything away. Anyone who thinks about getting a lot of quick money reading this blog, will forget the topic. Here we do not go down that road.

If you think that here I am going to show you how to earn a lot of money in a short time and without doing anything, I'm telling you now before you continue reading: No. This blog is not about miracles or anything like that. In Dinerobits I will show you the different ways that I am finding to make money online, always in places that are serious and most importantly: that they pay us.

All websites that do not meet this crucial requirement, we will leave immediately and mark them as SCAM, or what is the same, pages or companies that are a hoax or fraud. In order not to deceive anyone again, we will be adding those fraudulent pages to our blacklist.

I do not like that they make me waste time, therefore, just detect that some of these pages are not serious and do not pay, I will inform you immediately so that you do not lose yours either. Here we are to know how to make money online legally and learn everything related to business and online marketing, nothing more.

الاثنين، 8 يناير 2018

Tips for profit from the Internet

Tips for profit from the Internet

Hi everybody 

Little tips from me for you who play writes by introducing adsense promotions. 
around 4 months prior I was an adsense distributer. 
Here I will give tips on the most proficient method to gain cash by working together google adsense and facebook advertisements. 

To start with STAGE MAKE A POST: 
Make a blog with specialty news or babble or it could be innovation, it's dependent upon you. My proposals for news-themed web journals (nearly everybody adores news) 
make posting no less than 25-50 posts toward the start of the blog (must pass duplicate glue). 
Make one viral post. how.?, look on google tranding. (https://trends.google.com/patterns) 
Make a title that makes individuals exceptionally intrigued to see your post case, you can see on the site that I generally visit here: mirror.co.uk/about/viral) 
Influence a blemish on the cover to picture like a red circle, or a red bolt (anything that makes individuals inquisitive). 
Ensure your blog address has turned into a TLD like .com .net.

How to Create a Website from SCRATCH and START Making Money Online?

How to Create a Website from SCRATCH and START Making Money Online? 

How To Making Money Online?
Making Money Online

Pick The Niche - you can either pick a point people searching for, tackle their concern and do it basically for the cash or you can do it with energy and procure cash as well. Simply note on the off chance that you do it for the cash and the achievement isn't coming soon it no doubt you going to stop the fantasy of profiting on the web. That is the reason doing it with enthusiasm, as a pastime gives you more tolerance, you work harder, you give the best quality you can and achievement will take after. 

TOP 9 Free and Paid Tools to enable you to discover the specialty that is anything but difficult to rank: 

+ Keyword Planner, KeywordTool, SEMRUSH, Ubersuggest 

+ KWFinder, Keyword Explorer, Ahrefs, LongTailPro, WordTracker 

Assemble The Website - specialty destinations are thought about web journals, so you can run like a PRO with a custom area name and web-facilitating for about $15 first year or you can run with a free blog from Blogspot yet your webpage name will resemble this YourNiche.blogspot.com. In the event that you go PRO, you can undoubtedly introduce Wordpress, the best blogging stage and you can modify each part of your website + full control, you likewise have a lot of free subjects and modules to setup a definitive blog, not even programmers can touch. 

Purchase Webhosting + Domain Name and Install Wordpress or Create Free Blogspot 

Bring The Traffic - even the site is prepared the govern is basic, no guests to your site = no cash can be made, you can concentrate on website streamlining and online networking with the expectation of complimentary activity or go Pay Per Click which implies purchase movement from respectable sources like Google Adwords, Facebook, Twitter and so on... Positioning a site on real web indexes, for example, Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex takes at any rate couple months, you should concentrate on top notch articles, manufacture backlinks and social signs and so on these are top positioning elements these days. 
How To Making Money Online?
How To Making Money Online?

Profiting - with regards to site adaptation you can scan for best subsidiary projects that have lucrative offers identified with your specialty, they will furnish you with flags and high changing over greeting pages to gain the most from your movement. You can likewise adapt your site with best publicizing systems, for example, Google Adsense which pays for snaps and impressions. When all is said in done, high activity destinations utilize promotion organizes close by offshoot items to procure cash from their sites. 

In the event that you require more data with respect to a particular part of this instructional exercise leave an answer. 

On the off chance that you enjoyed this SHORT yet on-point instructional exercise crush that LIKE catch! Much obliged to YOU!

الأحد، 7 يناير 2018

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300FU

 Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300FU

Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300FU
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300H

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300H

SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300H
SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300H

Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300H
System Version : KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband : XSG A300HXXU1AOC1
Mobile : Galaxy A3
Model : SM-A300H
System Version : Lollipop 5.0.2
Baseband : XSG A300HXXS1BQC1

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300F

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300F

SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300F

SUMSUNG Galaxy A3 SM-A300F

Mobile = Galaxy A3
Model = SM-A300F
System Version = KitKat 4.4.4
Baseband = KSA A300FXXU1AOAH

Mobile= Galaxy A3
Model= SM-A300F
System Version = Lollipop 5.0.2
Baseband = XSG A300FXXS1BQC1

السبت، 6 يناير 2018

Flash Samsung Mobile

Flash Samsung Mobile

Samsung Galaxy A3========= ===SM-A300F========================ROM
Samsung Galaxy A3=============SM-A300H========================ROM
Samsung Galaxy A3============SM-A300FU=========================ROM

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5510

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5510


Mobile =Galaxy 551
Model = GT-I5510
System Version= Froyo 2.2
Baseband = EGY I5510JPKD3



Mobile =Galaxy 551
Model =GT-I5510
System Version= Gingerbread 2.3.6
Baseband = XEF I5510POKP6

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5503T

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5503T


Mobile =Galaxy 5 (Galaxy 550)
Model = GT-I5503T
System Version = Froyo 2.2.1
Baseband = TLP I5503TAJJP9

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5503

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG GT-I5503


Mobile = Galaxy 5
Model = GT-I5503
System Version : Eclair 2.1-update1
Baseband : XSG I5503JPJJ2

Basic Information About ROM SUMSUNG SGH-T499

Basic Information About ROM

Flash samsung SGH-T499

Mobile = Dart
Model = SGH-T499
System Version : Froyo 2.2
Baseband= T499MABCHV

الخميس، 4 يناير 2018

Zidane, two years at the head of Real Madrid

Zidane, two years at the head of Real Madrid

The French already has eight titles to his name.
On January 4, 2016, Zinedine Zidane was introduced as coach of Real Madrid's first team.
 Two years later, he is already one of the most successful tacticians in club history.
 The trajectory of the Frenchman on the bench was bluffing, impressive, as evidenced
 by the eighth trophy won in December. With him at his head, Real Madrid saw
 a triumph era during which were won two Champions Leagues, two World Clubs, two Supercoupes
 of Europe, a Liga and a Supercup of Spain.


His contribution to the coronations in the biggest continental competition deserves special mention.
 The Undecima opened his charts as coach madridista. Better still, he kept that title
 in the Cardiff final against Juventus. The team led by Zidane became the first to retain his title in the Champions League.

A historic year 2017
His legend, already incredible as a player, is only gaining height since he coached.
 He thus concluded the most beautiful year of the history of Real Madrid. 
In 2017, five titles were raised: European Cup, Club World Cup, European Supercup, Liga and Spanish Supercup.
 In addition, since his debut in January 2016 (Real Madrid 5-0 Deportivo La Coruna), his record is 84 wins
 (72.4%), 21 draws and 11 losses, for 306 goals scored and 117 conceded.