الجمعة، 12 يناير 2018




When you go looking for a hotel, you can shoot the sky-high prices. It is not always easy to pay the best price for your hotel. This has a number of reasons. In this blog I explain how you can pay the best price for your next night.
The search for a hotel almost always starts with a search engine, such as Google. It is not always easy to find the right site among all these results. Because, do not you think it is strange that there are so many price comparison sites, but that you always see the same price for an overnight stay? If you think as much as I think you are very strange too. In this blog I explain to you what this is and what you can do about it.
Why are all those prices the same?
Before you read on, I first want to have one thing in the center, I think that comparison sites should have an added value in the current landscape and range of hotels. you can use them for comparing different hotels, finding reviews or just for a list of hotels in a certain region. Personally, I think it should keep it there.
How do these sites work?
Comparison sites are not a good cause and do not just compare prices of hotels. This will probably not surprise you. The method of comparison sites is as follows: being a hotel you can register on a comparison site where you can determine how much margin you pay per booking. This can amount to no less than 40 percent, with your presence on the site being a bit maximum. The reason why you never pay too much on such a site is that comparison sites require hotels to use the same price on their own website. This means that they calculate the 40 percent margin they give in their price. Especially because the price does not become cheaper on their own website.

How do you book an overnight stay?
When you are looking for a hotel, comparison sites are fantastic. You will not find an extensive range of hotels for a specific region anywhere else. That just does not work, especially because Google does not provide enough for this. Include the reviews and make your choice based on independent reviews. View the photos posted by previous visitors. Do not book through such websites. This is simply a shame for the hotel and this only costs the hotel money. Do you really want to support the hotel with your overnight stay? just book through the hotel's website. Usually you get a little extra from this kind of hotels. For example, this hotel in Hilversum currently offers a 20% discount on breakfast, but only when booking through the hotel website itself. Ideal right? A nice extra without the extra effort.

Of course you can also use the websites just to see what there is to do in the area. Maybe you can also book a trip through these types of sites. You will receive a discount and this is cheaper than when you book the trip when you are on the spot. Comparison sites are not common or bad, you just have to know what you want to use them for. Each hotel has its own website with booking module. Not every trip has the possibility and online booking is often easier than booking over the phone.

Happy Holidays!
Finally, I want to wish you a fantastic holiday. I hope you have had something to do with the tips from this blog and that you will think twice before booking a hotel through a comparison site. With the tips from this blog you at least have some extra money left for a fun outing when you're on the spot.

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