السبت، 30 ديسمبر 2017

Make money online: 15 sites that pay on the internet

Make money online: 15 sites that pay on the internet

Making money is the main concern of people who want to improve their budget or be more financially comfortable. It is quite possible to make money online but may not be as you imagine. I will not offer you a casino or lottery, or miracle recipes, but sites that make money on the internet. Small amounts accumulated that can help out when you want to increase your income a little. Easy money does not exist, but accumulating small winnings over a year, over a month, this is not so time consuming and in the long run you will actually earn money!
Make Money online
Make Money

What are the websites that pay?

There are several kinds of sites that pay but as in life, the amount proposed is proportional to the time spent or the complexity of the task.

Some will earn a few cents with clicks, it will repeat the task many times, others will pay for a job, a task or a production. For the latter the selection may be more fierce but the gains will be greater.

In each proposed theme, the sites are numerous. I made a selection based on different criteria to keep only the best and make money online for sure.

The criteria of choice:

My opinion, that of bloggers I trust, positive feedback on the net.
Ease of use, the interface in French, ease of registration.
Good remuneration.
Proof of payment.
No charges.
Easy payment by check or paypal.

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